Monday, May 13, 2013

T-Mobile USA Q1 Revenue decline 5 percent for the second time in a row to $ 4.7 billion

T-Mobile USA has been making a big effort to prepaid customers because it launchedits Uncarrier plan in March, and it seems to work - unfortunately at the expense of more lucrative post-paid customers. While pre-paid revenue to hit $ 503 million to $ 474 million last quarter, postpaid revenue fell to $ 3.2 billion, a decrease of 4.7 percent, and revenue overall fell by about the same percentage to $ 4.7 billion against $ 4.9 billion in Q4 2012. Net income also swooned every year to $ 107 million $ 200 million, but has increased over the last quarter, when the company took a small loss.

On the positive side, the company is picking up 579,000 customers in total, according to the lowest customer turnover rate, or 1.9 percent, since way back in 2008. Another bright spot was the addition of the iPhone, the company has grown from about 500,000 4, 4S and 5 door models since its launch in Uncarrier event - perhaps through very price attractive. Of course, with MetroPCS soon join forces, with T-Mo with the recent merger, all that could change - once we see how the powers-that-be decide to share the two carriers.

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