becoming all calls and SMS and secrets personal for millions of mobile phones for sale in London, and negotiates the British police to buy them in order to help decode puzzles some of the crimes and maintaining security and combating terrorism, after it was discovered that private companies able to spy on users and access their phone and look at the secrets and keep track of their movements, and then trading with all this information And held by British police a secret meeting with the company "Ipsos Mori", the largest research companies in the UK, to drop out of this meeting, a presentation by the company for the sale of the full data, including records of calls and SMS, to more than 27 million mobile phones, without it is shown that these phones are being spying by and trading their statements exist within the UK only, or does it include users from outside the UK
She said the newspaper "Sunday Times" that the British company said at the meeting it is able to track users through their mobile phones, and they are able to determine their movements also in the vicinity of 100 meters.
According to the British newspaper the information and secrets offered for sale include providing the buyer, which is perhaps the London police, were made by the users of mobile phones up to determine the age, sex and residence address the full and websites by the phone owner visited on the Internet, also includes data also identify calls and text messages sent and received of the phone, and time, and place of conduct specifically.
The company also recognized "Ipsos Mori" of being able to determine the locations and times accurately to mobile phone users, and is able to record the entire previous movements for months and perhaps years
According to the "Sunday Times" The Company "Ipsos Mori" was able to collect all this massive amount of data through agreements concluded with telecom operators, while the British police it can buy this information and use it without the requirement to obtain any approvals in advance, and that under the law of the investigating authoritiesfor the year 2000 (Investigatory Powers Act).
It should be noted that the majority of mobile phone users in the world become dependent on smartphones after the spread of techniques third generation (G3), the phones are often associated with satellites and makes tracking its users is extremely easy, but that is the new success of the research companies in locating persons and identities and addresses, and keep a complete record of the previous movements, which means that surveillance techniques have changed completely in the world
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