Sunday, May 12, 2013

10 amazing facts about mobile numbers

Some interesting facts and figures Popular for Mobile phone numbers that give your Haute unique and make it easy to use

Come to find out it :
  • words personal for your phone how to get them:
Just as phone numbers firefighters are the letters making up the word »FIRE« which calls for the band Fire Department, the accident may play a role in that there is a meaning to the letters that represent numbers your phone, you can use the service »Phone Spell« will enjoy learning some useful information about numbers, letters, and this information will make you remember the various figures.
  • magic trick phone number:
This trick magic are self-explanatory and you can try to work in order to impress your friends and magic trick details are as follows.
Take the phone number consists of 7 digits, for example 7990-941 and strike the first three digits in 80 then add one and multiply the result by 250 then add the last four digits of the phone number the original, and finally Add the last four digits again and ask them 250 then divide the result by the 2 and then will figure unknown this trick relies on magical marvels of mathematics.
  • musical phone numbers:
Like movies used numbers in the songs did not set aside for this purpose in particular and more these figures famous is a special number to glenn miller 6.5000, which is still used in the hotel mentioned in one of the songs and still figure using the hotel boasts the presence of this figure and the continued use of the longest so far, this figure disturbs both carrying the same number with a different area code
  • numbers and symbols allocated for the purposes of fictional short stories:

If you try to request phone numbers displayed in the movies or series TV personalities these serials which appear in various scenes, amazed because it different numbers but not real have agreed companies cinema and TV with mobile services in the United States on the use of 555 of these figures Phantom of the use of film in the United Kingdom uses the code 01 632 in the same manner for proposals is operable on some other cities.
  • ignore the 555 films :

When you see the phone number is usually in one of the films find starts with 555 because there is no number in this way, and despite the fact that this matter is not recommended, but some film production companies have its figures for appearing in the films, such as film company Universal If requested figure will refund you someone from the opposite side, and when the trouble occurred because the company stopped show that figure.
  • Emergency numbers :
States have developed various special emergency numbers such as 911 emergency number used in the United States and was first applied 9.11 Because of the difficulty of number 11 changed the figure to nine and one-and-one in the United Kingdom while Europe uses 999 number 112.
Before creating Emergency numbers people used to connect mobile operators to crossover Untouched workers and emergency services still yet some of the fire services in the United States based on number 3473, which means "fire against it letters
  • number 8888 – 888 :
Her relationship with Apple
said to be Steve Wozniak, founder computer Apple has an affair with the idea of ​​the numbers repeated and because of this passion for numbers recurring been selling  Apple device at $ 666.66 dollars and this passion for the legendary led him to buy the second most expensive number in the world and the only drawback of this figure is surprisingly hundreds of calls Satirical that relate to it a day and that was not crafty in nature.
  • the first of the area code :
appeared the first symbol of the area in New Jersey in 1951 and the code 201 and used these symbols are now advanced and evolved to create a copy is a plan figures North America, where they had been numbering areas according to rates of population and given to larger areas simplest symbols digital phones roller and began working with symbols 90 area were symbols of areas civil such as New York, Los Angeles and Chicago are 202, 213, 312, 915 and 913 Etc..
  • the most expensive phone number:
Is number 6666 - 666, who scored the most expensive record number sold in Qatar for $ 207 million in a campaign to collect donations for charity and the previous figure was number 8888-888, which sell in China for U.S. $ 280,000
  • innovation phone numbers :
Before the invention of telephone numbers, calls were made ​​to contact the first phone service and demand from mobile operator Extension agent who sits on the other side and has several lines used to reach between us and the person you want to call.
This remained work force until questioned where Alexander Bell invented the phone itself, who requested contact Dr. Moses where plagued city disease measles and difficult to contact this doctor suggested Dr. Moses embark on a new system does not participate in it Operators mobile workers shunt because none of them if he fell sick it may be difficult to others understand the system that manages its work, and then replace the system names in numbers that are dialed directly and the student himself is the one who determines the desired number himself.

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